When to go to the Doctor for my vaginal disharge

When to go to the Doctor for my vaginal disharge

You know your body best. Vaginal discharge will be a constant BFF in your life, and you should go in and get a doctors opinion if you notice any dramatic changes in odor, color, and consistency. This could indicate a bacterial infection, yeast infection, pregnancy, or STI!

You should discuss your vaginal discharge with your healthcare provider if:

  • It has changed in consistency and appears yellow, green, or even gray
  • It resembles cottage cheese in color and consistency
  • It looks foamy or frothy
  • It has a strong smell of fish, yeast, or another odor
  • It is brown or blood-stained and is not associated with the start or ending of your period.
  • Also contact your doctor if you experience vaginal itching, swelling, burning, or pain
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