If I do not menstruate, does that make it impossible for me to become pregnant?
Your period is usually a sign that your reproductive system is working well, and so you can get pregnant. Don't worry though, it's still possible to get pregnant if you are not currently menstruating.
There are lots of reasons for not menstruating such as: birth control, breastfeeding, stress, being overweight or underweight, high intensity athletes, hormonal imbalances, entering menopause, and various issues related to reproductive organs. It may be less likely to get pregnant but there is still the possibliity so it's best to practice safe sex and ask a doctor if you have any questions!
When you have your period, it is one indication that your reproductive system is functioning. However, just having a period does not guarantee that you can get pregnant. Ovulation is necessary to become pregnant and if you have your periods regularly, then you would likely be ovulating regularly too. That being said, it is possible to ovulate and get pregnant without having a period or when you experience irregular periods. Those with irregular periods should be evaluated, to find the underlying cause of their irregular menstrual cycle. Some underlying causes of irregular menstrual cycles include Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endocrine disorders, like hyperprolactinemia or thyroid disease, which can all be treated by your physician.