When on the website, is there a way to see the price of August products in Canadian currency before purchasing?

When on the website, is there a way to see the price of August products in Canadian currency before purchasing?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to do this yet. How it works is that you will be charged the amount in USD, then your bank will convert it to Canadian dollars and deduct the correct amount from your account. So sorry for the inconvenience here - we’re working on changing this to make your experience better! In the meantime, this online currency converter might be useful while you’re looking at prices and even right before checkout!
Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to do this yet. How it works is that you will be charged the amount in USD, then your bank will convert it to Canadian dollars and deduct the correct amount from your account. So sorry for the inconvenience here - we’re working on changing this to make your experience better! In the meantime, this online currency converter might be useful while you’re looking at prices and even right before checkout!
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