What is the best way to take care of yourself before you start your period?

What is the best way to take care of yourself before you start your period?

There is no one way to practice self-care before and during your period - do what's best for YOU! Some ways that have helped people get past their period discomfort include: creating a peaceful environment, keeping your body warm, staying hydrated, eating well, and light body movement. Find what works best for you!

There are various ways in which you can practice self-care before you start your period. Some ways include:

  • Create a peaceful environment: eliminate distractions by turning off the television and other media an hour prior to bed. Meditate, play relaxing music, or use an oil diffuser, like lavender, that promotes sleep and relaxation.
  • Use Warmth: Heat therapy is a traditional and effective method to reduce pain. Warming the body lessens pain by relaxing the muscles, increasing blood flow, and concentrating that warmth on the abdomen to ease cramps.
  • Keep Moving: Getting the body moving will boost your mood, improve blood circulation and reduce stress, combating cramps, headaches, and anxiety.
  • Eat Well: Carbs and sweets are common cravings during your period, but too much can lead to bloating, water retention, poor concentration, and irritability. People with heavy periods may also experience iron deficiency (anemia,) which can cause brain fog, tiredness, and mood swings. Eating healthy along with staying hydrated can help reduce these menstrual symptoms.
  • Fill up on fiber – fiber will reduce bloating and promote healthy digestion. Some options include almonds, apples, artichokes, beans, blackberries, sweet potatoes, and whole grains.
  • Hydrate properly – drinking enough water fights fatigue and dehydration while boosting brain activity, digestive regularity, and hormone regulation.
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