If I miss my period, does that always mean I am pregnant?

If I miss my period, does that always mean I am pregnant?

No it does not! Some periods do not come every month, for a multitude of reasons. Check in with a doctor if you are experiencing any severe pain or ongoing irregularities.

A missed period does not mean you are pregnant! There are a variety of reasons such as:

  • If you've had unprotected sex and your period is late, take a home pregnancy test to find out if you're pregnant or not
  • You may also have a late or skipped period due to stress, sudden weight loss, excessive, being overweight, breastfeeding, approaching menopause, or taking some contraceptives
  • Some long-term medical conditions, like an overactive thyroid, polycystic ovarian syndrome, diabetes, and heart disease can also cause your periods to stop or become irregular
  • Many menstruators have irregular cycles due to natural variation

Check in with a doctor if you are experiencing any severe pain or ongoing irregularities.

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