What are some reasons younger menstruators may be nervous about their period?

What are some reasons younger menstruators may be nervous about their period?

For young menstruators, periods can be intimidating - there are a lot of unknowns. Try to stay curious and ask lots of questions to those you feel comfortable with (or here on Ask August!). If you are in financial need, see if your school (guidance counsellor, Physical Education department, etc.) has products available for you.
Periods can be really difficult for people, especially for younger menstruators. If you're a menstruator who lives in a single-parent family and your parent is a non-menstruator (i.e. cis-male non-menstruating dads), you could be too embarrassed to ask about your period or for sanitary products. There's also the financial side of it. Many menstruators can't afford sanitary products and their parents may struggle financially too, so they don't want to ask, or they can't.
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