Does weather affect my menstrual cycle?

Does weather affect my menstrual cycle?

A study published in the journal Gynecol Endocrinol noted that sunshine, or lack thereof, can even change the length of your periods. While the findings were minimal and in a contained small sample study, eery period is different so if you feel a stong connection between your period and the weather, while extremely unlikely, it IS technically possible!
A study published in the journal Gynecol Endocrinol noted that sunshine, or lack thereof, can even change the length of your periods. "In summer vs. winter, there was a trend toward increased FSH secretion, significantly larger ovarian follicle size, higher frequency of ovulation (97 percent vs. 71 percent) and a shorter menstrual cycle (by 0.9 days)," the results of the study found. "Ovarian activity is greater in summer vs. winter in women living in a continental climate at temperate latitudes; [and] sunshine is a factor that influences the menstrual cycle."
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