How much blood does the average person lose while on their period?
An average person loses about 111mL of menstrual fluids during their period (only about 30-40mL of that is blood). Menstrual blood is made up of a bunch of different fuids from endometrial lining to vaginal discharge! If you are experiencing any severe pain or ongoing irregularities, check in with a doctor.
Many sources claim that people with periods bleed between 30 and 40 ml (3-5 teaspoons) on average during their menstruation. 60 ml is considered a heavy flow and if you are losing more than 80 ml, you are advised to see a doctor. In most cases, blood only makes up 36% of the menstrual flow and that the rest of the flow is other menstrual fluids such as: cervical mucus, vaginal discharge, and endometrial lining. Therefore, the quantity of menstrual fluid lost during a period is closer to 111mL.