Why do I get yeast infections after my periods?
Yeast infections are linked to hormonal imbalances...you know what else is linked to hormones...? PERIODS! Your body's natural balance is messed up which means it might cause some fungi (ew I know! but also...it's all fine and natural) to grow. Nothing to be too concerned about, there are lots of antifungal creams you can use. Always pee after sex, wipe from front to back, and make sure to hydrate.
Hormonal imbalances are linked to yeast infections. People are more likely to get candidiasis (medical term for fungal infectino) if they’re pregnant, on a hormonal contraception, and/or around their period. This is because this is when your body’s natural balance of progesterone and estrogen is disrupted. High levels of estrogen cause candida fungi to overgrow.
Our vaginal microbiome has a more alkaline PH during our periods and can sometimes lead to yeast infections. Always pee after sex, wipe from front to back, and make sure to hydrate. Taking a high grade probiotic can also help.
Because of this, it’s common to get a yeast infection around the time of your period. Some people get yeast infections around the same time of their cycle every month, which is a condition called cyclic vulvovaginitis.