Will my period make me get a UTI?

Will my period make me get a UTI?

Having a period does not inherently give you UTIs, but using menstrual products for longer than what is recommended and not being hygienic enough can give you a UTI. Also, not allowing your vagina to breathe when wearing tight clothing and underwear can cause bacteria to build up, which can also cause a UTI.
Long baths are associated with a higher risk of infection, due to the possibility of bacteria from the anal area moving into the water and into the urethra. Instead, showers are recommended for individuals that are frequently affected by UTIs. Additionally, sanitary napkins used during menstruation can promote the growth of bacteria and may lead to a UTI. To prevent this, using tampons or making sure to change the sanitary napkin frequently may help. Tight fitting clothes can have the same effect, creating conditions that promote bacterial growth and should be avoided, but does not directly cause an UTI.
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