Can catching COVID-19 have any effect on my menstrual cycle?
Overall, COVID-19 is too recent of an outbreak to have any definite answers about how the virus affects menstruation. The conclusions reported by scientists and medical professionals mostly talk about how the stress and mental health aspect of COVID-19 can affect your menstrual cycle. Also, how lockdowns can prevent some people from accessing period products.
Dealing with a once-in-a-lifetime viral outbreak, plus being isolated at home is obviously a major stressor. It is normal to feel anxious, stressed, and uncertain - those feelings are valid. It's also no secret that stress can influence a period cycle's length, vaginal bleeding patterns, pain patterns, and PMS. Altohugh there have been numerous studies conducted, and that are in the works, it's still a very new virus that is rapidly changing. Therefore, the studies are not yet conclusive of the effects of the virus on one's period. So far, it is reported that it is not likely that catching the virus will impact your cycle. THis being said, you can monitor any changes your body might go through by tracking them. Keep in mind that stress is most likely to be the culprit of any changes to your cycle, not the Coronavirus.