How does your temperature change during your 30 days?
Body temperature is actually super sensitive to hormone levels. So, body temperature may be higher or lower when it is ovulating or having their menstrual period.
In general, between your first period day to ovulation, your temperature should be below your average body temperature (roughly ranges between 35.75-36.40 °C or 96.3-97.6 °F).
Between ovulation to the start of the next period, the hormone progesterone raises your temperature to above your average body temperature (roughly ranges between 36.40-36.90 °C or 97.6-98.4 °F).
Most people think a normal body temperature is an oral temperature (by mouth) of 37°C (98.6°F). This is an average of normal body temperatures. Your normal temperature may actually fluctuate by 0.6°C (1°F) or more above or below this. Also, your normal temperature changes by as much as 0.6°C (1°F) during the day, depending on how active you are and the time of day.
Body temperature is very sensitive to hormone levels. So a person's temperature may be higher or lower when they are ovulating or having their menstrual period. In general, during your follicular phase (first period day to ovulation) your temperature should be below your average temperature, and roughly ranges between 35.75-36.40 °C (96.3-97.6 °F). In the luteal phase (ovulation to period), your body releases progesterone which raises your temperature to above your average body temperature, and roughly ranges between 36.40-36.90 °C (97.6-98.4 °F).